Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hhhhhhaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooo  ^_^
Today (Friday, August 23, 2013) is my (Sisca, from Indonesia) turn to blogging..
At 9 o’clock we left  the University to go to Blimbing Sari. It is a Christian Village with one church where Pastor Yogi (one of the EE Asian Internship participant) and his housewife has been pastoring for the past years in Bali.
On our way, we stopped at Alas Kedaton. This is a place where monkeys and big bat species (in Indonesia, we called it “Kalong”) are being housed and protected.

Finally, we arrived at Blimbing Sari. The village is very peaceful. Houses and roads are surrounded by trees and flowers. It is so beautiful ^_^

It was a privilege for me to visit Widya Asih II. It is a Christian orphanage at the center of the village. Truly, it was a great opportunity to minister to Christians and Non-Christian kids in the orphanage.
The kids were so excited to see new faces. They immediately approached and hugged us.

We also shared the Gospel to the children by using the Flash Cards (EE KIDS). We performed drama in front of the kids (the General Shamila and Mr. Blondin story).  We did the dramas in a comical way to catch the kids’ attention. By God’s grace, it went well and the children appreciated it.

There were some volunteers from Japan.  Most of them are at the same age as Miyuki and Takuma (21).
We also visited some local families and minister to them. We ended the night by praying for all the Japanese volunteers.  We prayed for Takuma, Miyuki, Shohei, Nelson and Langdon as they will share the gospel to the Japanese volunteers tomorrow. May God bless them so they can receive Jesus as their savior.

I always think why it is so easy for the kids to hold my hand. One kid (around 7 years old) pulled me out of the crowd to ask me a secret question. The kid whispered to me “Do you want to be my sister?” I was shocked, and I didn’t know how to answer the question. I kept thinking, does he want me to adopt him and bring him to my home? Does he want to leave the orphanage? Or does he want me to be just his spiritual sister? Honestly, I don’t know the answer but I know one thing. He is hungry for LOVE. Love of a sister, love of a brother and love of a family. I may not be able to adopt him, or bring him with me when I return to Malang, but maybe I can share something with him. Maybe, I can share to him how I experience the unfailing love of Jesus Christ. The love that never fails. The love that they really need.

haaaaaaaa ^_^,, I love everything that God have done through us here.. May Holy Spirit teach and lead us more to know for sure God's calling to us and let His name glorified through our life day by day.. Amin *_*

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